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Be The Power is a political advocacy and educational organization began in 2014. Our organization was created to activate politically apathetic American Freedmen to get them engaged in electoral politics and for the ultimate flex and that is, running for and winning political office at all levels are government with emphasis on local elections. Using our Be The Power YouTube channel, we have helped to activate our communities across the nation to engage in person and online.

Our primary focuses are:


  • Local political organization with the express purpose of galvanizing our voting power to push for policies at the local, State, and Federal level. 

  • Building up well informed Political Operatives who are solely focused on the policy prescriptions needed for our communities and who will be spokespersons for the movement and our very own candidates.

  • Candidates! It is time for  the American Freedmen to run for office so that we can be in control of our narrative as opposed to those who can easily be bought and sold who advocate for every other group except ours.


It is time for the American Freedmen to step up! It is time for us to take our place in the affairs of this nation and become a part of the solution as opposed to just  complaining.

It is time for us to organize politically, regardless of what your religious, spiritual, or other type of ideology is. We as American Freedmen need to be thinking one way, moving one way, and voting one way and that's for policies which will positively impact us in the same way that other groups who have 

been able to prosper in this country. Fill out the form on our home page and join

us in this our greatest fight; the fight for our political lives!

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